Forms and Compliance

CAA provides members access to a complete library of compliance resources, covering every topic important to successful property management.

Popular Printable Forms

CAA supplies members with over 200 California-specific forms that are recognized as the industry standard.

California law requires that a contract be provided in Spanish only if it is negotiated in Spanish. For more information, see CAA’s Industry Insight Foreign Language Rental Agreements and Leases.

Online Forms Tool

Fill out forms digitally!

CAA’s Online Fill-Out Forms services allows you to easily populate bundles of CAA documents on the web by simply entering the data once. Online Forms members can fill out forms online, create packages and send lease agreements to the prospective residents by email, receiving a signature using DocuSign. Learn more about online forms here.

Our Online Forms Tool features include:

Other ways to get CAA forms

Incorporate into your customized tool: If you are using a forms tool at your company already (i.e. Yardi) we can provide you our forms electronically to be integrated into your platform. Just contact our office at (800) 967-4222 for more information.

Order padded forms and brochures: CAA offers preprinted forms that members can order. They are available here.

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Join CAA Today

CAA helps members succeed by providing easy access to compliance information and forms, advocacy, and education. Joining CAA will help you comply with laws and regulations that you need to understand for the protection of your rental housing business.

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California Apartment Association
980 Ninth Street, Suite 1430
Sacramento, CA 95814

Featured Webinars

Unpacking Costa-Hawkins, California’s Little-Known Law Limiting Strict Rent Control

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Security Deposits Ins and Outs

California’s law governing security deposits in residential rental housing can be strict and disputes over security deposits are common. This webinar will cover key requirements of the law and frequently…

Increasing Rent for 2024 Webinar

Join our webinar that will address the crucial question on every landlord’s mind: “Can I raise the rent for my unit?” While this question may seem simple, the truth is…