How to Automate Financial Statements in Excel (with Easy Steps)

Financial statements, also known as financial reports, are summary documentation of the financial condition of an organization, summarizing a company’s performance throughout the year.

How to Automate Financial Statements in Excel: with Easy Steps

How to Automate Financial Statements in Excel

The following picture shows a Trial Financial Statement of ABC company. Using this Trial Financial Statement, we will demonstrate how to automate financial statements in Excel. We used Microsoft Office 365, but you can use any available Excel version.

Step 1 – Calculating Total Current Assets

How to Automate Financial Statements in Excel

Now we’ll use the SUM function to calculate the Total Current Assets.


Total Current Assets are returned in cell D11.

How to Automate Financial Statements in Excel

Step 2 – Computing Total Fixed Assets

Next we calculate the Total Fixed Assets, also known as long-term assets. From the Trial Financial Statement, we identify Equipment and Long Term Investment as Fixed Assets, and calculate the Total Fixed Assets.

We again use the SUM function to calculate the Total Fixed Assets.


How to Automate Financial Statements in Excel

Total Fixed Assets are shown in cell D15.

Step 3 – Finding Other Assets

Next, we calculate the Total Other Assets.

How to Automate Financial Statements in Excel


How to Automate Financial Statements in Excel

Step 4 – Determining Total Assets


This simply adds Total Current Assets, Total Fixed Assets, and Total Other Assets.

How to Automate Financial Statements in Excel

Step 5 – Calculating Total Current Liabilities

Liabilities and Owner’s Equity is a combination of Current Liabilities, Long Term Liabilities, and Owner’s Equity.

First we calculate the total Current Liabilities.

How to Automate Financial Statements in Excel


Step 6 – Computing Total Long Term Liabilities

How to Automate Financial Statements in Excel


How to Automate Financial Statements in Excel

Step 7 – Finding Total Owner’s Equity

How to Automate Financial Statements in Excel


How to Automate Financial Statements in Excel

Step 8 – Determining Total Liabilities and Owner’s Equity


This simply adds Total Current Liabilities, Total Long Term Liabilities, and Total Owner’s Equity.

How to Automate Financial Statements in Excel

Our automated financial statement is complete.

Calculating Common Financial Ratios in Financial Statements

Financial statements contain several financial ratios, which give an overall view of the financial statements. Let’s determine the common financial ratios.

Step 1 – Calculating the Debt Ratio

Debt Ratio = Total Liabilities/ Total Current Assets


How to Automate Financial Statements in Excel

Formula Breakdown