
VI. Ethics: What is morality? The challenge of cultural relativism: Does morality depend on religion. Psychological and ethical egoism: Virtue Ethics (Aristotle), Moral Absolutism (Kant), Utilitarianism (Mill), Social Contract Theory.

VII. Contemporary Philosophical Movements:


S.No. Title Author
1. History of Western Philosophy Bertrand Russell
2. Philosophy: The Power of Ideas Brooke Noel Moore & Kenneth Bruder
3. Elements of Moral Philosophy James Rachels
4. Existentialism & Human Emotions. Philosophical
Jean Paul Sartre
5. The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge Jean-Francois Lyotard
6. Descartes to Derrida: An Introduction to European
Peter Sedgwick
7. Continental Philosophy in the 20th Century Richard Kearney
8. A Short History of Modern Philosophy Roger Scruton
9. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy ( Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy ( Internet Resources